With many different types of mattresses in the market, only an expert can tell which type is the best. There are certain features and materials in mattress which differentiate one type from the other. The article will analyse what need to look for when purchasing the best mattress in Singapore.

Look for the Innerspring of the mattress:

When the term spring comes in mind, one could recall childhood time of jumping on the bed. Also when one would move, the other partner would shake as well. Spring mattress are the most primitive and prominent type of mattress available in the Singapore market. This kind of mattress is user friendly and easily fits many users. If your budget is tight, then a spring mattress is the best choice you could make. However, with usage these mattresses are torn out easily and may not remain functional in the long run. Thus, if you plan to buy spring mattress, keep in mind that you may end up making a purchase again after sometime.

Innerspring or Coil Mattress:

Coil mattress comes in the form of coil structure. Mainly, four types of coil structures are available in the mattress fittings,

  • Continuous Coil: As the name indicates, these coils are continuous and consists of single coil in the form of one wire. The shape of the coil is ā€œSā€. For low budget consumers, this type of coil is a feasible option.
  • Offset Coil: For better hinge effect, offset coil is yet another option. The top of the coil is hinge shaped, whereas the bottom is connected with the edge of the other coil. These are in the form of layers which offer good flexibility.
  • Bonnell Coils: These coils are of superior quality and are typically included in the best kind of mattresses. If you have low budget and cannot afford to buy any branded mattress, then this could be your preferred choice.
  • Pocketed Coil or Marshall Coil: The anatomy of pocketed coil is similar to innerspring coil mattress. This type is mostly flexible due to intermingling of coils into one another.

Natural Fibres:

This type of mattress has the most natural fitting as compared to ordinary foams. The Singapore market has many different types and each kind is easily affordable. Natural fibre mattress are considered one of the best kind of mattress in Singapore as it is very comfortable and offers a good night sleep after a stressful long day. The overall impact of the mattress on the health of the individual and environment is safe. Natural type of mattresses come in different types, mainly:

  • Hemp type; preferable for vegan lifestyle
  • Bamboo; made from natural resources
  • Organic cotton; has a long life
  • Coconut coir; offer excellent quality
  • Organic Wool; able to regulate temperature while sleep
  • Latex; made from the rubber trees and is fire resistant.

Memory Form:

During winter season, it is always good to sleep immersed in bed. This is possible with memory form mattress in Singapore. These type adjust to the body and leave an impression when compressed with hand or feet. It offers utmost comfort and ease to the body and relieves all muscular pain.

There are number of features available in each mattress type. Some come with natural materials while others with synthetic products. The comfortable sleep all depends upon the type of mattress you purchase for your bed.

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